Don’t Be So Scared of it. It’s Okay.

by Rusty Fleischer, Program Director – Recently someone called the office requesting to speak with Jerry. He was referred to us by one of our clients. He told Jerry that he would like to “meet” with him by phone and find out more about what we teach at Anger Alternatives. Jerry gave me his contact […]

Anger as an Identity

by Rusty Fleischer, Program Director On one of my visits home, to Israel, Jerry joined me and while we were there we did a number of workshops on anger. It is not a surprise to say that there are a lot of angry people in Israel. What was surprised us with realizing that many Israelis […]

5 Healthy Characteristics of Anger

In a society where opposition paralyzes our government, mass killings continue to increase and TV talk show hosts spew sarcasm and obscenities across the airwaves, our culture readily labels anger as undesirable, bad and even destructive. Not true.

Anger on its own merits is a wonderful, healthy gift!

Signs Of An Anger Problem

You may have an anger problem if:

You were disrespected as a child.
You show disrespect for others or yourself.
You act on feelings without thinking.
You blame others for how you feel.
You do not know how to tell somebody when you are hurt.
You use addictive behaviors (alcohol, drugs, sex, work, etc.) to avoid feeling.

Defining Anger

Anger is a feeling that tells you that you are hurt and don’t want to be hurt. It is about what you don’t want. When you learn not to react to anger and look at it as a mirror, it identifies what you do want.The “gift of anger” is to be able to go after what you want instead of fighting with what you don’t want.

An anger problem is any anger-related behavior (verbal, physical, or emotional) that is hurtful to you or someone else.