John Craft is a life coach, a certified leader, and a facilitator in the ManKind Project, and in the HER Weekend transformational growth organizations. He has lived an active life rich in varied community and career experiences. He is a father and grandfather. His experiences as a teacher, small business entrepreneur, and supporter of communities inform and enrich his presentations. John combines this rich background with a deep passion for assisting personal growth–for becoming our full and authentic selves.
One of John’s mentors, Jerry Medol, developed Anger Alternatives over forty years of working with men and women who sought help regarding anger issues. For over a decade, John Craft was mentored by Jerry, and assisted in Anger Alternatives programs.
Before Jerry passed, he authorized John to continue the work. John has partnered with Laura Tria to continue developing the program, and her years of experience and perspectives as a life coach, author, and inter-faith minister contributed additional insights. We have presented the online “Gifts of Anger” applied study multiple times, and continue to expand and refine our presentations. We are excited to share this powerful and transformative program with all who are seeking fuller self-awareness.
John Craft